国际皮肤性病学杂志    1994 20 (2): 105-109   ISSN: 2096-5540  CN: 32-1880/R  

收稿日期 null  修回日期 null  网络版发布日期 null
参考文献  [1] Ryam TJ. Psoriasis management in the U. K. Proceedings of the sth Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Psoriasis Research.Yokohama.September 3~4,1993,11-14.
[2] Hornstein OP.Antipsoriatic therapy in Germany today.Proceedings of the sth Annual eeting of the Japanese Society for Psoriasis Research.Yokohama.SePtempber 3~4,1993,15~26
[3] Hashimoto K,Stockwell C.Current Psoriasis therapy in USA.Proceedings of the 8th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Psoriosis Research.Yokohama.SePtember 3~4,1993,35~44
[4] Fukuyama K,Epstein WL.Psoriasis:Investigative studies update.Proceedings of the sth Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Psoriasis Research.Yokohama,September3~4,1993,45~52
