[an error occurred while processing this directive] ����Ƥ���Բ�ѧ��־ 2009, 35(2) 110-112 DOI:     ISSN: 2096-5540 CN: 32-1880/R

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ͨ����ΪƤ���Ĥ�����΢������DZ���²������������ޡ����꣬����Χ��16S rRNA�������в����������ķ�������ѧ����������΢����Ⱥ����о����о����֣�Ƥ���Ĥ����ϸ���������΢����Ⱥ����ֳ�����Ķ����Ժ͸�������ԡ�΢����Ⱥ�����Ƥ�����ϼ���Ȼ�����γɣ���Ƥ���Ĥ��ؼ����IJ���ѧ�У����в��ݺ��ӵ�Ӱ�졣��ˣ���΢����Ⱥ�����ɺͱ仯������׼ȷ�������������Ǹ��õ���⼲���ķ������̡�

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Microbiota, mucocutaneous health and related diseases


Microbes on the surface of skin and mucosa are usually regarded as potential pathogens with limited variety. Various cultivation-independent molecular-biological approaches using the 16S rRNA gene sequence have been used for the analysis of human microbiota. Numerous researches have revealed a high diversity and marked individual difference in the composition of microbial community on the skin and mucosa. Normal microbial flora takes part in the formation of skin barrier and innate immunity, and plays an important role in the aetiology of related mucocutaneous diseases. Thus an accurate understanding of the composition and diversity of microbiota may facilitate the interpretation of development of some diseases.

Keywords: microbiota;mucocutaneous diseases  
�ո����� 2008-10-09 �޻����� 2008-10-10 ����淢������  

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