[an error occurred while processing this directive] ����Ƥ���Բ�ѧ��־ 2009, 35(1) 3-5 DOI:     ISSN: 2096-5540 CN: 32-1880/R

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Ŀ�� ̽�ֻ���Ѫ��IL-15��IL-21��IgE��ݡ��������ƵĹ�ϵ������ ��ELISA����⼱��ݡ���AU��������ݡ���CU�����߼�������Ѫ�ߵ�Ѫ��IL-15��IL-21��IgE�������������벡�顢���̵Ĺ�ϵ����� AU����Ѫ��IL-15��IL-21ˮƽ�ۣ�1.59 ± 0.73������38.30 ± 24.59��pg/mL�ݾ����ڽ���������ۣ�4.98 ±4.46������64.94 ± 25.37��pg/mL�ݣ���IgE���ڶ�����ۣ�91.28 ± 41.00������58.68 ± 18.29��IU/mL�ݣ�P < 0.01����CU����Ѫ��IL-15��IL-21ˮƽ�ۣ�2.35 ± 0.87������47.67 ± 29.57��pg/mL�ݾ����ڶ����飬��Ѫ��IgE �ۣ�76.65 ±38.49��IU/mL�ݸ��ڶ����飨P < 0.01��P < 0.05��P < 0.05����AU��CU����֮��Ѫ��IL-15��IL-21��IgEˮƽ��������ͳ��ѧ���壨P > 0.05����AU����IL-15��IL-21��������ԣ�P < 0.05�����벡�̳ʸ�����ԣ�P < 0.05����CU����IgE��IL-21��IL-15���ʸ�����ԣ�P < 0.01����IL-21��֢״���ֳʸ�����ԣ�P < 0.05�������� Ѫ��IL-21��IL-15ˮƽ�½����IgE���������½�������ݡ����������йء�

�ؼ����� ݡ����;��ϸ������-15;��ϸ������-21;IgE;��������  

Relationship between serum levels of interleukin-15��interleukin-21, IgE and the pathogenesis of urticaria


Objective To study the relationship of serum levels of interleukin ��IL��-15��IL-21 and IgE to the pathogenesis of urticaria. Methods Serum levels of IL-15��IL-21 and IgE were detected with ELISA in 30 patients with chronic urticaria, 30 patients with acute urticaria and 30 sex- and age-matched normal human controls. Moreover, symptom scores and clinical course of patients were assessed. Results The serum levels of IL-15 and IL-21 were 1.59 ±0.73 pg/mL and 38.30 ±24.59 pg/mL respectively in patients with acute urticaria, 2.35±0.87 pg/mL and 47.67 ±29.57 pg/mL respectively in those with chronic urticaria, 4.98 ±4.46 pg/mL and 64.94 ±25.37 pg/mL respectively in the normal controls; the difference was significant between these patients and controls. A significant increase was noted in the level of IgE in patients with acute urticaria and those with chronic urticaria compared with the controls ��91.28 ±41.00 IU/mL vs 58.68 ± 18.29 IU/mL, 76.65±38.49 IU/mL vs 58.68 ±18.29 IU/mL, P < 0.01, 0.05 respectively��. No significant difference was observed in the levels of IL-15��IL-21 or IgE between patients with acute urticaria and those with chronic urticaria ��all P > 0.05��. In patients with acute urticaria, the level of IL-15 positively correlated with that of IL-21, but negatively correlated with clinical course of urticaria, while a negative correlation was observed between the levels of IL-15, IL-21 and the level of IgE, as well as between IL-21 level and symptom scores in patients with chronic urticaria. Conclusions The decrease in serum level of IL-15 and IL-21 may weaken the inhibition of IgE secretion, which seems to be associated with the pathogenesis of urticaria.

Keywords: Urticaria;Iinterleukin-15;Interleukin-21;IgE;Pathogenesis  
�ո����� 2008-02-27 �޻����� 2008-03-22 ����淢������  

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