[an error occurred while processing this directive] ����Ƥ���Բ�ѧ��־ 2009, 35(1) 33-35 DOI:     ISSN: 2096-5540 CN: 32-1880/R

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�ؼ����� �����������崯;����ӡ��;��p200�����崯;��p105�����崯;��p450�����崯  

Classification and several new subtypes of pemphigoid


Pemphigoid is a group of common autoimmune blistering disease, which can be classified into several clinical categories, such as bullous pemphigoid, gestational pemphigoid and mucous membrane pemphigoid. With the development of immunoblotting technology in recent years, some new variations of pemphigoid have been defined, e.g., anti-p200 pemphigoid, anti-p105 pemphigoid and anti-p450 pemphigoid. This article introduces the clinical variations, split skin indirect immunofluorescence-based variations, molecular immunological variations of pemphigoid, and describes the clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of some newly defined types of pemphigoid.

Keywords: Bullous pemphigoid;Immunoblotting;Anti-p200 pemphigoid;Anti-p105 pemphigoid;Anti-p450 pemphigoid  
�ո����� 2008-06-30 �޻����� 2008-07-08 ����淢������  

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