[an error occurred while processing this directive] ����Ƥ���Բ�ѧ��־ 2009, 35(1) 27-29 DOI:     ISSN: 2096-5540 CN: 32-1880/R

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Telomere homolog oligonucleotide in the prevention and treatment of photocarcinogenesis


Telomere degradation is reported to be the initial event that triggers multiple DNA damage responses, and the nature of the event is likely to be the disclosure of concealed single-stranded 3' overhang. Exogenous telomere homolog oligonucleotide can mimic the signal of telomere degradation in the absence of UV-induced DNA damage, and enhance the DNA repair capacity of organisms, so as to defend against the damage induced by UV irradiation. The fact that telomere homolog oligonucleotides trigger SOS-like responses and cause selective apoptosis of malignantly transformed cells may provide an important clue to the prevention and treatment of photo-induced skin tumors.

Keywords: T-oligos;Ultraviolet;Skin cancer;DNA damage response  
�ո����� 2008-03-11 �޻����� 2008-03-17 ����淢������  

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