[an error occurred while processing this directive] ����Ƥ���Բ�ѧ��־ 2008, 34(4) 235-237 DOI:     ISSN: 2096-5540 CN: 32-1880/R

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�ֲ��������ƾ�iC3b-Mo/ Mph-˿��ԭ��������׼�ø�źŴ���;�����յ�ϸ�����źŵ��ڼ�øp44/42���ữ��������ˮƽ��IL-10���ٽ����˾���ϸ�����ž���ϸ���ķ���չ��������UV��¶��λ�Ļ���ϸ����ͬʱ�������ữp38 ˿��ԭ��������׼�ø��IL-12�IJ������谭���˾���ϸ����CD1c����ͻϸ������ֻ��ͳ��죬������Tϸ�����������߷�Ӧ����UV�����ϵͳ�����������У�����Ʋ���ͨ��ֱ������DC�������͹��ܣ�����ͨ�������ܰͽ��лBϸ������DC���յ���Th1���߷�Ӧ��ʵ�֡�

�ؼ����� ������;��������;��ͻ״ϸ��;MAPK;IL-10  

Role of dentritic cells in immunosuppression induced by ultraviolet irradiation on skin


Ultraviolet irradiation (UV) can induce topical or systemic immunosuppression on skin, but its nature remains unknown. It is hypothesized that in topic immunosuppression, the iC3b-Mo/Mph-mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signal transduciton pathway induces the phosphorylation of extracellular signal-related kinase p44/42, which in turn causes the production of high levels of IL-10, and accelerates the transformation of mononuclear macrophages to macrophages that could clean out necrotic cells; at the same time, the phosphorylated p38 MAPK and production of IL-12 were inhibited, which hampers the differentiation and maturation of mononuclear macrophages to CD1c�� dendritic cells, and subsequently suppresses T cell-mediated immune response. The UV-induced systemic immunosuppression seems not to be realized by the direct decrease in the number and function of dendritic cells��but via the suppression of dendritic cell-induced Th1 immune response by activated B cells in draining lymph node.

Keywords: UV;Immunosuppression;DC;MAPK;IL-10  
�ո����� 2008-01-11 �޻����� 2008-01-28 ����淢������  

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