[an error occurred while processing this directive] ����Ƥ���Բ�ѧ��־ 2008, 34(4) 211-214 DOI:     ISSN: 2096-5540 CN: 32-1880/R

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Clinical and immunological features of childhood vitiligo


Objective To discuss the relationship between immunity and childhood vitiligo. Methods A questionnaire was designed to investigate the clinical characteristics of patients younger than 14 years with vitiligo and their relatives. The serum levels of immunoglobulin, complements and T-lymphocyte subsets were detected in 270 cases of pediatric vitiligo. Results A total of 620 patients were investigated. Of them, 302��48.71%��were boys and 318 ��51.29%�� were girls��with a mean age of 8.81 years and mean onset age at 7.57 years. The mean disease duration was 8.14 months. The involvement of head and neck was observed in 453 ��73.06%�� children. Segmental vitiligo was diagnosed in 160 ��25.81%��children. Spring and summer are predilected seasons of pediatric vitiligo. Halo nevi were found in 73 ��11.77%�� children��and most in those with scattered vitiligo. Family history was observed in 84 (13.55%) children. Compared with the normal reference value��the serum levels of C3��CD4+ lymphocyte count and CD4+/CD8+ ratio were decreased��while the level of CD8+ lymphocyte was increased in the patients. Decreased levels of C3 and C4 were noted in patients with segmental vitiligo in active phase compared with those in stable phase��P<0.05��, while in children with nonsegmental vitiligo��the amount of CD3+ lymphocytes and CD4+ lymphocytes as well as CD4+/CD8+ ratio were declined in active phase than those in stable phase ��P < 0.01��. Conclusion There is an abnormality in some immune parameters in children with vitiligo, which may be related to the immunologic derangement.

Keywords: Childhood vitiligo;Clinical feature;Immunological detection  
�ո����� 2007-11-02 �޻����� 2008-02-22 ����淢������  

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