[an error occurred while processing this directive] ����Ƥ���Բ�ѧ��־ 2008, 34(3) 175-177 DOI:     ISSN: 2096-5540 CN: 32-1880/R

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Role of epidermis-type lipoxygenases in skin barrier and their reationship with dermatological physiology and pathology


12R-lipoxygenase ��12R-LOX�� and epidermis-type LOX3 ��eLOX3�� are novel members of polygene family of mammalian lipoxygenases. Recent studies have shown that 12R-LOX and eLOX3 take part in terminal keratinocyte differentiation via arachidonic acid pathway, regulate the formation, development and function of, affect the appearance and structure of skin barrier, and play important roles in the pathogenesis of many dermatoses (e.g. congenital ichthyosis and psoriasis). Therefore, further investigation into the relationship between 12R-LOX, eLOX3 and skin barrier, as well as the development of novel drugs targeting on these genes would provide new ideas and methods for the treatment of xerosis and development of moisturizers.

Keywords: Epidermis-type lipoxygenase;Epidermal barrier;Dermatosis  
�ո����� 2008-01-24 �޻����� 2008-02-26 ����淢������  

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