[an error occurred while processing this directive] ����Ƥ���Բ�ѧ��־ 2016, 42(1) 4-6 DOI:     ISSN: 2096-5540 CN: 32-1880/R

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��ժҪ�� Ŀ�� ̽��խ���в������ߣ�NB-UVB����Ѱ������м������Ѫ���а�ϸ�����أ�IL��6��17��Ӱ�졣���� 40 ����м��������NB-UVB �������ƣ�ÿ��3 �Σ�������6 �ܣ��ֱ��ڹ���ǰ������9�κ͹���18�κ󣬲ⶨ��������ǰ��Ѫ��IL-6 ��IL-17��ˮƽ������40 �������������ա���� ����NB-UVB����ǰPASI����15.68 ± 2.86������9��Ϊ10.58 ±1.36������18�κ�Ϊ3.08 ±1.37������ǰ�����ֶ��գ�������ͳ��ѧ���壨P < 0.01������м������NB-UVB ��������ǰ��IL-6 ˮƽ�ֱ�Ϊ��61.82 ± 15.61�� pg/L�ͣ�20.43 ± 9.78�� pg/L��������ͳ��ѧ���壨P < 0.05����IL-17ˮƽ�ֱ�Ϊ��41.56 ± 10.34�� pg/L �ͣ�26.32 ± 7.24�� pg/L��������ͳ��ѧ���壨P < 0.05����������Ѫ��IL-6 ��IL-17 ˮƽ�ֱ�Ϊ��1.50 ± 1.82�� pg/L �ͣ�13.47 ± 2.15�� pg/L��������֮�������ͳ��ѧ���壨P > 0.05����40����м�������У�����20������Ч15������Ч��Ϊ87.5�������� NB-UVB����������м������Ч������������ѪIL-6��IL-17��ˮƽ��

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Narrow?۲band ultraviolet B for the treatment of psoriasis vulgaris: evaluation of efficacy and detection of interleukin?۲6 and ?۲17 in peripheral blood of patients


Huang Jing, Zhao Juan. Department of Dermatology, Yishui Central Hospital, Linyi 276400, Shandong, China Corresponding author: Huang Jing, Email: yxzxyhj886@163.com ��Abstract�� Objective To evaluate the effect of narrow-band ultraviolet B ��NB-UVB�� on serum levels of interleukin ��IL��-6 and IL-17 in patients with psoriasis vulgaris. Methods Totally, 40 patients with psoriasis vulgaris and 40 healthy volunteers were enrolled into this study. All the patients were treated with NB-UVB radiation thrice a week for 6 consecutive weeks. Venous blood samples were obtained from these healthy controls and patients before start of treatment, and after 9 and 18 sessions of radiation. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ��ELISA�� was conducted to detect the serum levels of IL-6 and IL-17 in these subjects. Results The psoriasis area and severity index ��PASI�� score was 15.68 ± 2.86 before the initial radiation, 10.58 ± 1.36 after 9 sessions of radiation, and 3.08 ± 1.37 after 18 sessions of radiation, and there were significant differences between the PASI score before the initial radiation and that after 18 sessions of radiation ��P < 0.01��. The serum levels of IL-6 and IL-17 in the patients before start of treatment were ��61.82 ± 15.61�� pg/L and ��41.56 ± 10.34�� pg/L respectively, significantly higher than those in them after 18 sessions of NB-UVB radiation ����20.43 ± 9.78�� pg/L and ��26.32 ± 7.24�ݣ� pg/L, respectively, both P < 0.05��, and those in healthy controls ����1.50 ± 1.82�� pg/L and ��13.47 ± 2.15�ݣ� pg/L, respectively, both P < 0.05��. Among the 40 patients with psoriasis vulgaris, 20 were cured and 15 showed marked response, with the response rate being 87.5%. Conclusion NB-UVB phototherapy can increase therapeutic outcomes in patients with psoriasis vulgaris, and decrease the levels of IL-6 and IL-17 in peripheral blood.

Keywords: NB-UVB  
�ո����� 2015-02-25 �޻����� 2015-11-20 ����淢������ 2015-12-31 

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