[an error occurred while processing this directive] ����Ƥ���Բ�ѧ��־ 2015, 41(6) 374-377 DOI:     ISSN: 2096-5540 CN: 32-1880/R

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Biological agents and antidrug antibodies in the treatment of psoriasis


Zhang Fang, Zhao Tian, Luo Quan, Zhang Sanquan, Zhang Xibao. Guangzhou Institute of Dermatology, Guangzhou 510095, China Corresponding author: Zhang Xibao, Email: zxibao@126.com ��Abstract�� Targeted biological agents have shown favorable therapeutic effects and safety in the treatment of moderate to severe psoriasis. However, the immunogenicity of biological agents can result in the production of antidrug antibodies, which may lead to a decrease in the efficacy and safety of biological agents to different extents. The production of antidrug antibodies is related to the molecular structure of drugs, immune status or genetic background of patients, type of biological agents, route of administration, and so on. Some methods can be used to reduce the immunogenicity of biological agents so as to improve their efficacy, including transformation of molecular structure, optimization of technological design, alteration of dosage forms of biological agents, or combination with immunosuppressant agents.

Keywords: Antidrug antiboies  
�ո����� 2014-12-03 �޻����� 2015-02-28 ����淢������ 2015-11-03 


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