[an error occurred while processing this directive] ����Ƥ���Բ�ѧ��־ 2014, 40(4) 225-228 DOI:     ISSN: 2096-5540 CN: 32-1880/R

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Article by Yan,J.Y
Article by He,Y.L





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Chemokines and their receptors in the pathogenesis of psoriasis


Xia Jinyu, He Yanling. Department of Dermatology, Beijing Chaoyang Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University, Beijing 100020, China Corresponding author: He Yanling��Email: heyanling@medmail.com.cn ��Abstract�� The pathogenesis of psoriasis is complex, and involves multiple factors such as immunity and inflammation. As one of the mediators of inflammation and immune response, chemokines and their receptors participate in the pathological process of many diseases, such as autoimmune diseases, infection, tumor and vascular diseases. Recently, it has been revealed that many chemokines and their receptors are abnormally expressed in patients with psoriasis, which may be involved in the formation and development of psoriasis via a series of cascade reactions. This paper presents recent advances in the research about chemokines and their receptors in psoriasis��in order to further elucidate the pathogenesis of psoriasis at the molecular level.

Keywords: Chemotactic factors  
�ո����� 2013-09-11 �޻����� 2013-10-07 ����淢������ 2014-07-11 

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