[an error occurred while processing this directive] ����Ƥ���Բ�ѧ��־ 2013, 39(6) 368-371 DOI:     ISSN: 2096-5540 CN: 32-1880/R

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�ؼ����� HLA-C��ԭ  

Roles of endoplasmic reticulum aminopeptidase-1 in the pathogenesis of psoriasis


PAN Qian, YAO Wei-yi, ZHANG An-ping. Institute of Dermatology; Department of Dermatology, First Affiliated Hospital, Anhui Medical University, Hefei 230032, China Corresponding author: ZHANG An-ping, Email: zapamu@163.com ��Abstract�� Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease. The pathogenesis of psoriasis remains unclear, and is considered to be associated with genetics, environment and autoimmunity. In recent years, with the progress in genome-wide association studies, numerous susceptibility loci have been successively identified for psoriasis, including the endoplasmic reticulum aminopeptidase-1��ERAP1�� gene. A lot of single nucleotide polymorphisms ��SNPs�� inside the ERAP1 gene have been repeatedly confirmed to be associated powerfully with psoriasis in nearly all ethnic/racial populations, and there might be some interactions between ERAP1 and HLA-C. ERAP1 is also involved in the trimming of HLA class I molecules to an optimal length and in the cleavage of several cytokine cell surface receptors. Moreover, ERAP1 takes part in immune regulation, in particular the activation of CD8+ T cells, and plays a certain role in the induction and maintenance of psoriatic lesions via cooperating with other inflammatory cells and cytokines. ��Key words�� Psoriasis; ERAP1; HLA-C antigens

�ո����� 2013-01-06 �޻����� 2013-02-23 ����淢������ 2013-10-30 


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