[an error occurred while processing this directive] ����Ƥ���Բ�ѧ��־ 2007, 33(2) 113-115 DOI:     ISSN: 2096-5540 CN: 32-1880/R

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Gene chip technology in research of pathogenesis of Candida albicans

Institute of Dermatology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences&Peking Union Medical College, Nanjing 210042. China

Institute of Dermatology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences&Peking Union Medical College, Nanjing 210042. China


As an emerging molecular biologic technology,gene chips are applied in more and more biological and medical researches because of their unique advantages.Candida albicans is one of the most common opportunistic pathogenic fungi.Clarifying its pathogenesis and virulence factors will contribute to clinical prevention and treatments of candidosis.Gene chip technology will bring new prospects in the research of pathogenesis of Candida albicans.

Keywords: Candida albicans   Virulence   Oligonucleotide array sequence analysis  
�ո����� 2006-07-31 �޻�����  ����淢������  


ͨѶ����: ��ά��,email:liumvco@hotmail.com

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