[an error occurred while processing this directive] ����Ƥ���Բ�ѧ��־ 2007, 33(1) 24-26 DOI:     ISSN: 2096-5540 CN: 32-1880/R

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Laser assisted hair removal on dark-skinned patients

Institute of Dermatology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical Nanjing 210042, China

Institute of Dermatology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical Nanjing 210042, China


With the development of laser technology, the effect of laser-assisted hair removal has been greatly improved, and now more about physiology of hair and interaction between laser and tissue are understood. Using long-pulsed and long-wavelength laser technology with cooling system, laser assisted hair removal on dark-skinned patients become safer and more effective today. The most frequently used light sources for hair removal on dark-skinned patients include the long-pulsed alexandrite (755 nm), long-pulsed diode (800 nm), long-pulsed Nd:YAG (1 064 nm), and intense pulsed light (590-1200 nm). The long-pulsed Nd:YAG laser represents the safest device for hair removal on dark-skinned patients because of its long wavelength, although the alexandrite laser, diode laser,and intense pulse light may be used.

Keywords: Hair removal   baser   Dark-skinned   Treatment interval  
�ո����� 2006-09-08 �޻�����  ����淢������  


1������������, ֣����У.������ë��������״[J]. ����Ƥ���Բ�ѧ��־, 2001,27(3): 131-135

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