[an error occurred while processing this directive] ����Ƥ���Բ�ѧ��־ 2013, 39(3) 188-190 DOI:     ISSN: 2096-5540 CN: 32-1880/R

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Article by Liu,X.M
Article by Wu,W.D
Article by Pu,X.M



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��ժҪ�� DNA�׻�����Ϊ��Ҫ�ı���Ŵ�ѧ����֮һ���Ի���ı�ϸ���ֻ�����ֳ�ȷ�����Ҫ�ĵ��ع��ܡ���м����һ���ɶ��������ع�ͬ���õľ����Ŵ������ĸ��Ӽ���������֯��������Ϊ��Ƥ������ֳ�ȱ��֡�����������DNA�׻�������м����ػ���p14��p16��p21��HLA-C��SHP-1������о���Ϊ�ȵ㡣����DNA�׻������Ƽ���Ҫ�ļ׻�����ⷽ������������м����ػ���ļ׻������о���״�����ؼ��ʡ� ��м���� DNA�׻����� ���� ����

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DNA methylation and psoriasis-associated genes


LIU Xin-mei, WU Wei-dong, PU Xiong-ming. Department of Dermatology and Venereology, People's Hospital of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Urumqi 830001, China Corresponding author: WU Wei-dong, Email: xjwudong@126.com ��Abstract�� As an important epigenetic phenomenon, DNA methylation plays an essential regulatory function in gene expression, cell differentiation and proliferation. Psoriasis is a complex disease caused by multiple environmental and genetic factors. Excessive epidermal proliferation is the major pathologic manifestation of psoriasis. Recently, DNA methylation and psoriasis-associated genes ��such as p14, p16, p21, HLA-C, SHP-1 gene�� have become a research focus. This article briefly describes the mechanism and detection methods of DNA methylation, as well as the methylation status of psoriasis-associated genes. ��Key words�� Psoriasis; DNA methylation; Genes; Methods

�ո����� 2012-07-02 �޻����� 2013-01-17 ����淢������ 2013-05-02 

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