[an error occurred while processing this directive] ����Ƥ���Բ�ѧ��־ 2013, 39(3) 145-148 DOI:     ISSN: 2096-5540 CN: 32-1880/R

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Expression of NHERF1 and β-catenin in cutaneous melanoma and melanocytic nevus tissues


ZHANG Wei, DUAN Zi-yu, LU Ya-lin, WU Kan, HUANG Ying-xue, JIANG Yi-qun, ZENG Xue-si�� SUN Jian-fang. Institute of Dermatology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Nanjing 210042, China Corresponding author: SUN Jian-fang, Email: fangmin5758@yahoo.com.cn��Abstract�� Objective To detect the expression of Na+/H+ exchanger regulatory factor 1 ��NHERF1�� and β-catenin in cutaneous melanoma and melanocytic nevus tissues�� Methods Tissue samples were obtained from the lesions of 47 patients with cutaneous malignant melanoma and 37 patients with melanocytic nevi. Immunohistochemistry was used to determine the expression pattern ��membrane, cytoplasmic or nuclear expression�� and intensity of NHERF1 and β-catenin�� Results The percentage of tissue samples with moderate/strong cytoplasmic expression of NHERF1 significantly differed between cutaneous melanoma in situ and invasive melanoma ��38% vs. 71%, P < 0.05��, as well as between cutaneous melanoma and melanocytic nevi ��60% vs. 0, P < 0.05��. A moderate/strong cytoplasmic expression of β-catenin was observed in 50% of the cutaneous melanoma in situ tissue samples compared to 84% of the invasive melanoma tissue samples ��P < 0.05��, and 72% of all the cutaneous melanoma tissue samples compared to 30% of the melanocytic nevus tissue samples ��P < 0.05��. The moderate/strong cytoplasmic expression rate of both NHERF1 and β-catenin in these tissue samples increased with the increase in degree of malignancy ��i.e., from melanocytic nevi, melanoma in situ to invasive melanoma��. Spearman′s rank correlation test revealed no correlation between the expression of NHERF1 and β-catenin in cutaneous melamoma tissues. Conclusions The moderate/strong cytoplasmic expression rate of both NHERF1 and β-catenin sequentially increases from melanocytic nevi, melanoma in situ to invasive melanoma, but there is no correlation between the expression of NHERF1 and β-catenin in cutaneous melamoma tissues. ��Key words�� Melanoma�� Nevus; NHERF1; β-catenin; Immunohistochemistry

Keywords: Immunohistochemistry  
�ո����� 2012-10-10 �޻����� 2012-11-05 ����淢������ 2013-05-02 


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