[an error occurred while processing this directive] ����Ƥ���Բ�ѧ��־ 2013, 39(2) 95-97 DOI:     ISSN: 2096-5540 CN: 32-1880/R

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1. �й�ҽѧ��ѧԺ�Ͼ�Ƥ�����о���
2. �й�ҽѧ��ѧԺƤ����ҽԺ


��ժҪ�� �ʴ�ϸ���ѿ����Ǣ��͹�����Ӧ����Ҫ�¼���IgE��ʴ�ϸ���ϸ��׺���IgE�����Ϻ��·ʴ�ϸ���ѿ����������鰷��������ϩ�ἰ����ϩ�ȹ������ʣ�����һϵ�еĹ���֢״���ʴ�ϸ��Ĥ������������Allergin-1�͸��׺���IgE���彻�������Ƹ��׺���IgE����������������Ұ������ƻ����źŴ��������ܲ������������Ұ������ƻ��������źţ�������ڷʴ�ϸ���ѿ�������Ϲ�������֢������ ���ؼ��ʡ� ��Ӧԭ�� Allergin-1�� �ʴ�ϸ��

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Roles of Allergin-1 in the pathogenesis of allergic diseases


��Abstract�� As a major event in type��allergic reaction, degranulation of mast cells is triggered by the interaction between specific IgEs and high affinity IgE receptors ��FcεRIs�� on mast cell membrane, and is followed by the release of a battery of inflammatory mediators, such as histamine, leukotrienes and arachidonic acid, and these inflammatory mediators in turn induce a series of allergic symptoms. Recently, Allergin-1 has been found to be an immunoglobulin-like receptor preferentially expressed on mast cells. The crosslinking of Allergin-1 to FcεRIs on mast cells may inhibit the signal transduction from FcεRIs to intracellular immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motif ��ITIM��, generate ITIM inhibitory signals, which then participate in the regulation of mast cell degranulation, and finally block the initiation of allergic inflammation. ��Key words�� Allergens; Allergin-1; Mast cells

Keywords: mast cell  
�ո����� 2012-05-07 �޻����� 2012-05-28 ����淢������ 2013-03-06 


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