[an error occurred while processing this directive] ����Ƥ���Բ�ѧ��־ 2013, 39(1) 7-8 DOI:     ISSN: 2096-5540 CN: 32-1880/R

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Article by Qu,Y.G
Article by Tang,A.P
Article by Yu,H.L
Article by Li,h
Article by Chen,q



1. ����ʡ��ʩ������ҽԺ�����
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��ժҪ�� �����У�56�ꡣ2006�귢����ǰ��¡���Խ�ڰ��꣬������Ƥ���Ƽ�飺��ǰ�����ɼ�һֱ��3 cm�������Ƥ��������ɫ����ɼ������۳�2.5 cm��������Ƥ��ճ�����̶����߽粻�塣��֯����ѧ��飺��ϸ��Բ�Ρ���Բ�Σ�С���еȴ���ܰ�ĸϸ����Ⱦɫ��ϸ�壬���ʲ����ԣ������ٶ���Ⱦ�������ֲ��������黯��ĩ������������ת��ø��TDT��+��LCA+��CD20-��CD79a+��ת¼����PAX5+��CD3-��CD30-��Ki-67����ϸ����50%����ƤĤ��ԭ��EMA��-��CD5-��CD10+��CD23-��CD56-��������ϣ�Ƥ��B�ܰ�ĸϸ���ܰ��������ƣ����軷������+�������+�����¼�+������ ��CHOP���������ƣ����鷴�������4��9����ʱ���������� ���ؼ��ʡ� �ܰ���, �ܰ�ĸϸ���� ����������������ͣ�

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A case of primary cutaneous B-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma


QU Yan-gang*, TANG Ai-ping, WANG Hong-li, LI Hong, CHEN Su. *Department of Pathology, Central Hospital of Enshi Autonomous Prefecture, Enshi 445000, Hubei, China Corresponding author: QU Yan-gang, Email: qygtap2@yahoo.com.cn ��Abstract�� A 56-year old man developed a raised nodule on the left forearm half a year before 2006, which gradually enlarged. Skin examination revealed a mass measuring 3 cm in diameter at the extensor aspect of left forearm, which was fixed, slightly deep-colored, adherent to the skin with an unclear margin. There was a postoperative scar measuring 2.5 cm in length. Histopathological examination revealed small- to medium-sized round or oval lymphocytes with fine chromatin, unclear nucleoli, a small amount of lightly stained cytoplasm. Immunophenotype analysis showed that the tumor cells were positive for terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase ��TDT��, leucocyte common antigen ��LCA��, PAX5��paired box 5��, CD79a, CD10, Ki-67 ��50%��, but negative for CD20, CD3, CD30, epithelial membrane antigen ��EMA��, CD5, CD23 and CD56. He was pathologically diagnosed with cutaneous B-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma, and given combination chemotherapy with cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine and prednisone. Unfortunately, the condition was poorly controlled, and the patient died 4 years and 9 months later. ��Key words�� Lymphoma, lymphoblastic�� Case reports ��publication type��

Keywords: skin B-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma immunophenotype analysis  
�ո����� 2012-02-08 �޻����� 2012-02-09 ����淢������ 2013-01-05 

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