[an error occurred while processing this directive] ����Ƥ���Բ�ѧ��־ 2012, 38(3) 147-149 DOI:     ISSN: 2096-5540 CN: 32-1880/R

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Application of pregabalin in controlling postherpetic neuralgia


Postherpetic neuralgia ��PHN�� refers to a painful condition that persists for 4 weeks after the rash of shingles has gone away. The incidence of PHN is age-related. PHN may feel like a burning pain, electric shock, knifelike pain, paresthesia, etc. It often affects the quality of life of patients from the aspects of sleep, emotion, and so on. Pregabalin, a new type of gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor agonist, can control PHN via binding to the calcium channel alpha 2-delta type 1 subunit in the central nervous system, altering the conformation of alpha 2-delta subunit, and thereby restoring the calcium channel to nearly normal level. Both flexible- and fixed-dose of pregabalin for 4 to 12 weeks have been reported to be markedly effective for the control of PHN and improvement of patients' quality of life. Long-term pregabalin exhibits good tolerability and few drug interactions.

Keywords: postherpetic neuralgia  
�ո����� 2011-07-12 �޻����� 2011-07-17 ����淢������ 2012-05-03 

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