[an error occurred while processing this directive] ����Ƥ���Բ�ѧ��־ 2012, 38(2) 69-71 DOI:     ISSN: 2096-5540 CN: 32-1880/R

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2. ɽ��ʡ���������ҽԺƤ����
3. ɽ����ѧ����ʡ��ҽԺ


����1���෢��Bowen�������۰��������У�61�꣬ȫ����ֶദ���ɫ�߿�13�ꡣ���߼����������꣬˫��֫���������˻����ˣ�����Ƥ���ǰ����ȷ������ʷ���������ʽ��������ж���ϵͳ�Լ�������Ϸ�ҩ���ơ�Ƥ���Ƽ�飺ȫ���40�ദ��С���Ⱥ��ɫ��Ƭ���߿飬��СԼ�ƶ���С�����λ���Ҳ���������Լ10 cm × 4 cm������ֲڣ�����������Ƥ���߽������������״����������Ĵָ����һ��Լ2 cm × 2 cm��С��������лư�ɫ��Ƥ�����¿�״����Ӳ������Ĵָ������ȫ�У���֯�����飺�߷ֻ���״ϸ����������ز����ɫ�߿��죬��֯������Ϊ��Bowen�������ǽ���״ϸ����Ƥ�������г���ֲƤ����Ƥ����谢άA�ڷ����ƣ�����Ƥ������Ժ�ת��������ȫ���ˡ�

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ral acitretin combined with surgical excision for the treatment of multiple Bowen′s disease and squamous cell carcinoma: a case report


A case of multiple Bowen′s disease and squamous cell carcinoma is reported. A 61-year-old man presented with multiple brunneus plaques all over the body for 13 years. He was often scratched or pecked in the upper limbs during the feeding of chickens and some lesions developed with a definite history of injury. The patient suffered from several systemic diseases and took medicines intermittently. Dermatological examination revealed more than 40 brunneus patches and plaques, with the smallest lesions resembling soybeans and the largest lesions measuring 10 cm × 4 cm in size. All the lesions had a rough surface and greasy crust with a clear margin and irregular shape. There was an indurated oyster shell-like mass measuring 2 cm × 2 cm in size on the dorsum of the right thumb, with yellow-white crusts. The mass was completely resected and histopathological examination revealed a diagnosis of well differentiated squamous cell carcinoma. Histopathological examination of brunneus plaques on the left chest confirmed a diagnosis of Bowen's disease. The skin defect following resection of the squamous cell carcinoma was repaired by skin transplantation, and remaining lesions were managed with oral acitretin. Thereafter, all the lesions markedly improved and some lesions completely subsided.

Keywords: Acitretin  
�ո����� 2011-05-25 �޻����� 2011-11-16 ����淢������ 2012-02-29 

ͨѶ����: ��ԲԲ*

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