[an error occurred while processing this directive] ����Ƥ���Բ�ѧ��־ 2011, 37(4) 208-210 DOI:     ISSN: 2096-5540 CN: 32-1880/R

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Ŀ�� �����Һ�м��Գ���άϸ���������ӣ�bFGF��ˮƽ��Ѫ���������еı仯��Ϊ�ٴ����Ѫ�����ķ�����չ�ṩ�͹����ݡ����� ����ø��������������ELISA�����27��������Ƥ��Ѫ��������dz��X������ǰ����Һ��bFGFˮƽ�ı仯��ͬʱѡ��30������Ӥ�׶���Һ��Ϊ���ա���� ������Ѫ������������ǰ��Һ��bFGFˮƽ�������ƺ�3���ºͶ����飬������ͳ��ѧ���壨t �� 0.206��P �� 0.05�������ƺ�3�����������֮��bFGFˮƽ�IJ�����ͳ��ѧ���壨t �� 0.505��P �� 0.05�������� ELISA�����Һ��bFGF������㡢�ɿ�����Ϊ�ٴ����Ѫ����������չ�ṩ�͹�ָ�ꡣ

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Determination of basic fibroblast growth factor ��bFGF�� level in urine from infants and young children with cutaneous hemangioma


Objective To determine the changes of urine bFGF level in the progression of cutaneous hemangioma, and to provide an objective index for the monitoring of hemangioma occurrence and development. Methods Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ��ELISA�� was used to determine the bFGF level in urine samples from 27 infants and young children with proliferative cutaneous hemangioma before and after treatment with low-dose superficial X-ray, and from 30 normal control infants and young children. Results The urine bFGF level was significantly higher in the patients before treatment than in those 3 months after the treatment and normal controls��t �� 3.793, 0.206, both P �� 0.05��, while no significant difference was observed in the urine bFGF level between the treated patients and controls��t �� 0.505, P �� 0.05��. Conclusions Measurement of urine bFGF level by ELISA is a convenient and reliable method , which may provide an objective index for the monitoring of hemangioma occurrence and development.

Keywords: ELISA  
�ո����� 2010-10-28 �޻����� 2011-01-19 ����淢������ 2011-07-12 

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