[an error occurred while processing this directive] ����Ƥ���Բ�ѧ��־ 2011, 37(3) 177-179 DOI:     ISSN: 2096-5540 CN: 32-1880/R

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Roles of Dectin?۲1 in host immune responses against Candida albicans and underlying mechanisms


Dectin-1, a principal C-type lectin pattern-recognition receptor, exists in various types of cells and tissues. It can specifically recognize β?۲glucans, which are the major cell wall component of Candida albicans, and then trigger the innate and adaptive immune responses in hosts. Dectin-1 can independently, as well as collaboratively with other pattern recognition receptors, induce above mentioned processes. The intensity of immune responses in hosts is modulated by multiple factors such as the exposure of β-glucans on Candida albicans and the expression level of Dectin-1, and this modulation may provide a new direction for the prevention and therapy of Candida albicans infection.

Keywords: adaptive immunity  
�ո����� 2010-11-17 �޻����� 2011-01-10 ����淢������ 2011-05-06 


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