[an error occurred while processing this directive] ����Ƥ���Բ�ѧ��־ 2009, 35(3) 135-136 DOI:     ISSN: 2096-5540 CN: 32-1880/R

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Ŀ�� ̽���Ͼ�������̬��Ӧ��Ƥ��������Ѫ���й���ԭ������IgE����ˮƽ������ ��������ӡ��������̬��Ӧ��Ƥ��������Ѫ���й���ԭ������IgE�������IgE���塣��� 1105����̬��Ӧ��Ƥ��������������IgE������58.7%��649/1105�������IJ�ͬ��̬��Ӧ��Ƥ��������Ѫ���й���ԭ������IgE����ˮƽ�������������ݳ�����ԭ������IgE������������ߴ�36.83%��407/1105��������ǻ���������23.26%��257/1105������ʳ����������������ԭ�ļ�������ߣ���7.33%��81/1105���������ţ�̣���5.43%��60/1105�������Ա�����������Ů��һЩ����ԭ�ϲ�����ͳ��ѧ���塣��������������≤ 14����� ��14������һЩ����ԭ�ϣ���ͳ�Ʒ���������ͳ��ѧ���塣���� ������IgE�������IgE�����԰����ٴ�Ѱ����Ӧ�Ĺ���ԭ��Ϊ��̬��Ӧ��Ƥ������Ԥ���������ṩ�ο���

�ؼ����� ��̬��Ӧ��Ƥ����   ����ԭ   sIgE  

Detection of serum specific immunoglobulin E antibodies in 1105 patients with allergic dermatosis in nanjing region


Objective To investigate the level of serum specific immunoglobulin E ��sIgE�� antibodies in patients with allergic dermatosis in Nanjing region. Methods A total of 1105 patients in Nanjing region with allergic dermatosis, including 625 cases of urticaria, 293 cases of eczema, some cases of atopic dermatitis and other allergic dermatosis, were enrolled in this study. Immunoblotting test was used to detect serum sIgE and total IgE in these subjects. Results The prevalence of sIgE was 58.7% ��649/1105�� in these patients. The most common inhalation allergen was housedust with a prevalence of 36.83% ��407/1105��, followed by house dust mites ��23.26%, 257/1105��. Among food allergens, the highest positive rate belonged to cashew nut ��7.33%, 81/1105��, and the second was milk ��5.43%, 60/1105��. Moreover, significant difference was observed in the frequency of sensitization to some allergens between female and male patients and between patients no older than 14 years and those older than 14 years ��all P < 0.05��. Conclusion Detection of serum sIgE and total IgE can help clinicians to find associated allergens, which may provide a basis for the prevention and treatment of common allergic dermatosis.

�ո����� 2008-07-29 �޻����� 2008-11-04 ����淢������ 2009-09-11 

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